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Grow your site traffic up to 60%!


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Hey Jreviewers,

I have a website built by Jreviews, from 1.4 years now, but lunched only 3 months ago... well without any big deal marketing i have like 200 unique visitors / day... and round 1.4k page views... 

But, 3 days ago looking here and there to add some sharing options in the site... (facebook sharing sucks now a days) luckily searching google i was sent to a code canyon script... 

Whatsapp Sharing button... with a cost of 16$...  checked out the demo and figured it out how that script was made... and implemented everything myself in Jreviews... by adding 2 buttons: 

Not even Whatsapp Sharing but also Viber Sharing to each listing and also to the jreviews listing view... 

from three days i have like 340-380 unique visitors / day... ? for me this is something which worked very good. this will work only if you are using a different jreviews mobile template or bootstrap col-xs classes, as you cant share from your desktop to whatsapp or viber, and using different template for small devices its the best solution in my opinion....

Take a look at screenshots


If someone here needs customizations for the website and implementations or anything i can support any of you... 



Edited by plethoraonline-1492071863
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