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JReviews 3 Beta 3 (and final beta) released!


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First of all, I want to thank everyone that has helped test JReviews 3. A total of 17 bugs were fixed for this latest release and you can view the details in our public Beta 2 Trello board.


We've now opened the Beta 3 Trello board so you can view any new reported bugs and our progress towards the next update. The next update will be the first Release Candidate taking us much closer to a stable version. I need your help to get there so if you have a development site where you can upgrade to JReviews 3 and report any bugs I would appreciate it! If you need a development domain added to your license you just need to submit a ticket to request it.


Learn more about what's new in JReviews 3


Read the upgrade instructions for JReviews 3


If you already installed JReviews 3 then you can update using the remote install & update page in the JReviews admin. The update is also available as a download from the client area.


Please report any bugs you find in the JReviews 3 Bugs board.





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