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Map Stopped Displaying Correctly

Shawn Wornica

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I've had JReviews on this site since August of last year (2016).


The maps display on the listing pages and the details pages have been perfect up until now.


Now, all of a sudden, the map is really big on both the listing and detail pages.


No new components have been added to this site and the only changes have been to the content of the site.


We have been adding new listings all along and are up to 350 listings.


This site is Joomla version 3.5.1 and everything, all components and modules, has been working correctly until now so I'm a bit perplexed as to why this would just start happening.


I have 3 screenshots.


This one is the listing page as soon as the listing page opens it looks right and then the map gets really big and is clearly not right.




This next one is after scrolling down the page, when the map gets to the top, it just stays there.




This next one is on the details page, and again, the map just gets really big when you get to the map section.




Here is the site so you can see the issue I'm having.



Why would this just start happening and how can I fix it?


Thanks in advance for your help!







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