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Bug - iReview Template is having issues with Modal


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Ever since I upgraded the new iReview Template it is not playing nice anymore with Kunena.


I am using Kunena the Crypsisb3 template and the latest version of Joomla (and jReviews and iReview Template).

When creating a new forum topic or replying, if you click on the emoticons icon or link icon on the toolbar (anything that brings up a modal) the modal form comes up but is disabled and darken like the rest of the page. Nothing is clickable on the page.


This worked just fine in the previous version of the iReview Template and that is the only thing which has changed on the site since this problem.


I originally approach Kunena about this issue but they are at a loss at why it is happening.


For more info including a link and image see https://www.kunena.org/forum/general-questions-and-how-tos/139989-modal-forms-are-not-accessible-in-editor


Does anyone know how to fix this?





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