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Clarification needed on Paid Plan subscriptions

Paul LM

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I'm setting up the PaidListings Addon ready to start to monetise my site and I'm not sure if I'm understanding the subscription-based plans right.


My expectation/understanding is that on selecting 'Subscription' as plan type, and Duration as '1' and frequency as 'month' that the subscription would continue and re-bill through Paypal each month until the user cancels the Paypal subscription. Is that correct?


What is confusing me is the 'Action after expiration' - does this mean after the duration (as selected above) or after the the user cancels the Paypal payment plan?


And secondly, is it possible to revert to another paid plan (such as after an upgrade expires) rather than simply 'unpublished' or 'Create a new free/trial plan order'?


Appreciate the guidance





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