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New releases with lots of new goodies!


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We are very pleased to announce new updates for JReviews, UserProfiles and PaidListings with some very cool improvements! There's a minimal update for GeoMaps as well.


We've created a couple of new modules, support for using shortcodes to display listing and reviews, option selection limits for custom fields, a new Magzine layout and more! These are the new release highlights:



  • New Reviewer Rank module widget
  • New Listings and Reviews ShortCodes! Works on Joomla and WordPress and allows you to embed listings and reviews output inside articles/posts and any other component/plugin page by using the very customizable shortcodes. For more information read the ShortCodes documentation
  • Specify limits on the number of options that can be selected for multiple select, checkboxes, and related listings custom fields. This is a per field setting and you'll find it at the top of the Advanced Options when you create or edit one of those custom field types
  • The field description can now be also displayed inside the input as a placeholder. This works for any text-based custom field and you can select the new option above the description input for each field
  • There's a new Magazine layout available for list pages. To use it you need to add the _magazine suffix for lists using the blogview layout. You can make this the pre-defined layout if you add the theme suffix in the Configuration / List Page / Pre-defined layouts. Or you can add it per category in the Theme Manager. You'll need to edit the theme file to specify the number of columns, number of leading articles and number of intro articles. Leading articles display full width, while intro articles display in columns. The rest display as links
  • New custom center and geolocation proximity modes for the Listings Module/Widget
  • New Adv. Search Module/Widget setting to limit the keywords search scope to listing title, summary and description
  • New Listing Type language overrides

There are other enhancements and fixes so make sure you check the JReviews changelog for complete details.



  • New Login Module/Widget
  • New Profile Types. Create unlimited profile types and associate them with User Groups/Roles. When creating a new account, users will be able to select their profile type and automatically be assigned to the correct User Groups/Roles
  • New Terms of Service agreement. This optional feature enables you to require users to accept the TOS before they can register on the site
  • New setting to hide the "Name" input from the registration form to simplify it. If hidden, the Username will also be used as the Name.

There are other enhancements and fixes so make sure you check the UserProfiles changelog for complete details.



  • Added support for overriding the new option limit setting in custom fields. Now when you create or edit a plan you'll be able to specify the number of options that can be selected for specific fields or lift the limit restriction.
  • Included the pricing plan duration in the paid plans section that appears at the top of the listing form

There are other changes and fixes so make sure you check the PaidListings changelog for complete details.

The updates are available right now using the Remote Install & Update section in JReviews. We'll make the JReviews package available for download in the client area soon.
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