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Guest Moderation set up not saving

Richard A

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I allow Guests to add User Lists but as clicked on the 'Guests' box in the moderation option to review any lists they set up.


It saves correctly but when I exit JReviews the 'Save' does not stay and the option box goes back to 'Select'.


In the front end if a Guest tries to add a list, the message in the attached image pops up.


Everything works correctly when signed in.


Note Ref Menus


In the Directory submenu area I have a Public User Menu and a hidden My Lists Page Menu that only works for Members but is linked by Menu Alias to a Public My Lists Menu that redirects to login if you are not signed in.


I set up the Catch All Menu as a hidden menu, but what is it for? I assume Site Lists can only be seen in the Module, not in a menu?



(Sorry, this should be in the My Lists Add on menu, move it if you wish, not sure I can)


Edited by Richard A
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