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Mapview vs. Category Blog menu item

Adriano Altorio

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So now we have most of the menu items on our site that are related to Jreviews categories and, of course, each category in Jreviews has its requested menu.


To show the categories of listings we customized one of the themes to show up more or less like the search page in AirBnB:




But now we would like to use the Mapview menu item, given that is developed, updated and maintained by the amazing people at Jreviews, instead of our customization. So we tried to switch one menu item into the Geomaps Mapview and we have the following page:




which we absolutely love. Problem is that if we change the menu item and it's not anymore a Categoy Blog item, we don't have the requested menu item in the Jreviews' Categories Manager and, even though the page is still working, we are afraid that it might affect either the inserting of new listings or it could give some other problems.


What would be the trick to go around this problem? We even thought about hiding the category blog menu items and publish just the Geomaps Mapview items. But the problem would be that we cannot have duplicate aliases...


Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!


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