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Missing some module functionalities as future request


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I have fully integrated the MyLists add-on. I like the idea and functionality. I do have some ideas about  some module functionalities which would make it a complete lists solution. Let me explain as a future request :) :

1. Main image per List
Add the possibility to set a main image reflecting the list contents.

2. Nice showcase module
As the add-on is mostly user driven; we are able to create a module with a nice layout of listing image and truncated description text for these showing ether the available users lists OR the lists where the current item belong to.

But the output for the "Site lists" is very small; just a text, not showing any other entries with their main image or markup.

In my idea we want show a module which shows the list title, the current listing mainimage OR the list main image as leading item and some 'listing entries main images' as thumb in the same list below, example:


3. Menu link for Site Lists 
There is no menu item which is showing the available "Site lists" at the moment for the Users to see all possibilities. They are off course available per Listing Type which can be set as text behind the Site list title, example: "This is a great site List (in listing type A)"

4. Menu item with "Site/Users Lists" in nice layout
=> add main image/description for Site Lists and masonry/ thumb view option for each menu list

A menu item showing all available lists people can add listings to (Site or User or mixed User/Site list). But not only a textual link but that the lists actually contain a main image.
For example: link
(read 'theme' here as 'lists', this example shows the last three items per list but that is maybe too much)

Then, when you click on it all entries within that list can be visible in thumb/masonry/table etc. layout (with theme overrides).


4. Module Popular lists (global module)

A module which displays the most popular lists (based on listing addings) with list mainimage and list description


5. "Add to list" button next to available lists in the module

Within the available (users/site) lists showing in a module, place a "+" button to add the currently viewed item directly into the list visual instead of needed to go to the jrListingInfoButtons section.


6. "Personal" Lists module

With the #5 idea in mind it would be great to have a "My Lists" module which can show all the users lists (as pre-requested with the easysocial my list module as i have seen in the forum below)



Edited by jasperli
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