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Log in form options and top bar


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iReview 3 is a great improvement and for sure one of the best templates out there.


The thing that I miss the most on most of the templates is the lack of a better placement for the login form.


What I'm looking:

- form always visible, no need to click on a link to show a new windows with the form fields

- user detection: if the user is logged it, then the login link won't show, it will show the user's name, picture and links to profile and other user related stuff


Here is the example of what I implemented on my site

The best reference of what I was looking for is Facebook, Pinterest and other social networks, where the top bar has also a fixed search form.


Is there any chance that this options come along with iReview in a future version?

This is the only thing I see missing.


I could do it on my own again, but I believe this is super helpful for end users and iReview customers would be glad to see them available with no code requirements.





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