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Restaurants directory just like AIRBNB

Adriano Altorio

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Our soon (we hope) to be published site will have the latest Jomsocial and Jreviews installed. We are testing it on the iReview 3 beta template and it looks great. All the site will have a fixed width of 1230 pixels but we would like to have the Restaurants' directory exactly like the airbnb.com search page:




How could we have just a part of the site with a 100% width? Should we install twice iReview and assign it to the restaurants menu item with different settings? Would that be possible?


We would put the Google Map module on all the left side, top right side of the side a customization of the advanced search module and then bottom right side of the site with the content of jreviews directory (Masonry theme).


Thanks in advance to whoever could answer.


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