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"Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à accéder à cette ressource."


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I tried to install GeoMaps on kelclinic.com and I got an error on listings' pages (on my website listigns are clinics) saying ""Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à accéder à cette ressource." which means in English "You are not allowed to access this ressource"


Here an example (it may have disappear at the time you'll read this because I uninstalled the add-on) http://mail.kelclinic.com/dentiste-en-hongrie/78-clinique-dentaire-implant-en-hongrie

it show the listing page empty, with the sentence only.


Strange, when I click in the directory, it change my subdomain for : mail.kelclinic.com/* or forum.kelclinic.com/* or apps.kelclinic.com/* etc


Kind regards,


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