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Invoice adress change


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Hi there,


i just realised, that the invoice for every transaction in paidlistings gets generated new, everytime I hit the Print-Button. So if my customers change the invoice adress after printing their invoice, they can print a second invoice for another company or something like that. This invites tax fraud and is very bad in view of fiscal authorities.


The normal way would be, that the invoice gets generated one time only and is saved that way. No changes at all are possible on this invoice. If the customer needs changes in the adress, the shop owner has to write a invoice cancelation for this invoice and fill out a new one with the new adress.


If not, at least in Germany, he can be hold accountable for all VAT amounts on these invoices. This is why all the big shops do not allow to change the adress after an invoice is generated. With amazon for exemple, you have to send back the first invoice, to get a new one with a new adress.


Is there anyway to change this in paid-listings? I assume this is not easily done, but I think its an important point that the application is save in terms of fiscal law.



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