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Integration with JS profile - adding review count to "points" section?

Bethany Amborn

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One of my users had a great suggestion, but I have no idea how to actually go about it. Wondering if you guys can give me an idea of what this would take to implement.


The JS themes include a "points" area with bubbles that show the number of user points, photos, groups, etc that the user belongs to (in JS3.0 this is links, not bubbles, but same idea). When you click on Photos, for instance, you go to their photos page.


The suggestion is to add "Reviews" to that section, and be able to go to the "all review" view when clicked. This sounds like it would have to be a plugin that relates to the Everywhere plugin, but I am really not sure what it would take to make that happen. Does anyone have an idea how this could be accomplished? I would be looking to hire someone to help me do this, if it even makes sense, but want to understand the mechanism better first.

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