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Creating an Upgrade Plan listing directly.


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Edit: Okay, so I just found the answer.  It's not possible. 

Edit2: You can move this to Feature Requests.




So, I've been looking around, but haven't seen a clear answer for this.


I have:

1. A free listing plan (alll fields + 1 img)

2. An upgrade plan (all fields + 4 imgs)


When I create a listing, I'm always taken to the free listing plan.   Is it possible to create an upgrade plan listing directly? So that people interested in the 4 images, don't have to first make a free one, and then proceed to upgrade?


P.s I know the 2 options appear when I specify both as Base plans.  But I need it to be an upgrade plan (4 imgs), so that it is downgraded to the base plan (1 img) once it expires. (which won't work if both are base, if i understand this correctly)



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