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Why did the proximity search and geocoding features suddenly stopped working?


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On March 8th Google shut down the Maps Geocoding v2 API. If you are experiencing this problem it means you are still using an outdated version of GeoMaps and you need to update. If you are on an old version of JReviews (2.2. or earlier) you are also going to have to upgrade your JReviews version.


We spent a lot of time and effort re-writing the add-on to migrate it to the Google Maps v3 API and released it exactly one year ago. We did this because the v2 API had been deprecated and wanted to make sure that our clients wouldn't be affected by this. We are not able to fix your installation if you are still using the old version of GeoMaps and JReviews. The fix is to upgrade to the latest versions.


The issue is not only limited to the proximity search, but extends to batch geocoding of address, the map it feature and anything else that uses the Google Geocoding API.


Supposedly Google has extended the v2 API service for another 6 months as posted here http://googlegeodevelopers.blogspot.de/2013/03/an-update-on-geocoding-api-v2.html, but more clients have reported having issues so this may not be the case. You need to get in touch with Google to figure out what's wrong.

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