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When will PaidListings for JReviews 2.4 become available?


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We have been asked this question so many times that we decided to create an announcement for it. The add-on has to be re-written for 2.4 to account for the new media system. We already spent dozens of hours re-writing the add-on to bring it up to par with all the changes made in the rest of the JReviews code. Things like updating the theme file code, renaming css classes, removing javascript from the theme files are mostly done. The remaining work will focus on finding a way to integrate the new media features into the add-on to make them available via the pricing plans. This work can't continue until we are able to release a JReviews 2.4 version that has very few bugs. Since the release of JReviews 2.4 RC3 we've already fixed over 30 bugs! Mostly minor, but still issues users have found and it has taken us weeks to confirm and fix them. There are still many reported bugs remaining to be fixed.


It is not possible for us to estimate how long it will take to fix the remaining bugs, as new ones are reported weekly and fixing bugs is not all we do. For that reason we also cannot provide a release estimate for the add-on. If after the next release of 2.4 we find that the number of reported issues goes down significantly that will free up time to finish PaidListings for 2.4.


It is important to mention that we released JReviews 2.4 as soon as we could to make it available for those that had been waiting for it for a long time even though it might not have been ready for prime time. For that reason we went through several beta releases first. We made this decision even though not all add-ons were ready so those that didn't require the add-on should not continue waiting.


If you are building a new site now and *must* have paid listings features, then you have no choice, but to use JReviews 2.3. If having access to the new media system is more important, then use JReviews 2.4 and wait until the add-on is ready.


As soon as we have any updates with regards to PaidListings development we will post an announcement. Until then we thank you for your continued patience.

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