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Request for a special search procedure


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I would need a special search for JReviews in combination with Falang for a multilingual page.


What I want:

I have a multiple selection field. We call it "rubrik". For that field I have declared very much field options.

I start to write in the search field and I get showed under the field a list of the related field options of the rubrik field.


Then I select one of that field options ( or also more then one ? in that case with the logik "OR" ) .

And then I create a listing where the selected value(s) ( the selected field options ) are used

for a FULL TEXT search in:


- the rubrik field

- and in 2 other text fields


Some additional info:

The base language of the page is italian.

The falang translations are done in german.

The search should be able in 2 languages, but german is more important.


In addition I want to search optional for the CAP code.


If you have any more questions please let me know.


Thank you for your feedbacks.

Best regards











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