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JReviews 2.4 RC1 has been released!


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We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of JReviews 2.4 RC 1 ( We are now recommending this version for use in production sites because there's less code likely to change in subsequent versions and especially in theme files which is where most clients make their customizations. As new bugs are found and reported we'll release more versions until we reach 2.4 Stable.


The upgrade is available via remote update if you have installed a previous beta and it is also available for download in the client area. You need a valid upgrades package.


If you have overrides, you must first rename the overrides folder and clear the file registry. Beta 4 files will not be necessarily compatible with RC1 and you must always compare your overrides with the newer version to make sure your files are up to date.


Upgrading from JReviews 2.3 or earlier? read the Upgrading from to JReviews 2.4 from earlier versions guide.


PaidListings is not available for JReviews 2.4 RC1 and due to the fact that we are getting very close to the end of the year it will not be ready this year. We need to invest a significant amount of time re-writing the add-on to make it compatible with JReviews 2.4.


JReviews 2.4 RC 1 Changelog


[tt] +New: Media setting to display download button for audio tracks.

+New: JReviews theme Joomla module position 'jr-detail-below-review1'.

+New: Photo title now displays in the lightbox of small gallery.

+New: Listing owners can delete owner replies to reviews.

!Changed: Improved responsiveness of review and search forms.

!Changed: Re-write of jreviews.compare.js to optimize the code. Now uses browser localStorage instead of cookies.

!Changed: Removed css dimensions from image tags to allow responsive behavior.

!Changed: Improvements to media upload page including checkbox for TOS

!Changed: Added 'create an account' link to JReviews login form.

!Changed: Allow {user_id} tag to be used in CUSTOM WHERE even for non detail listing pages.

!Changed: J1.5: Updated menu setup options so it is more similar to that of J2.5.

#Fixed: Write review button in detail page doesn't scroll and open review tab automatically.

#Fixed: Category images selected via basic options tab in Joomla category manager not appearing in category page

#Fixed: Several responsive design related improvements.

#Fixed: Dark theme CSS fixes and improvements.

#Fixed: Info text at the bottom of the listing form alerting users of media upload as a second step doesn't appear for guests in some cases even when media uploads are allowed.

#Fixed: Media for unpublished listings are showing up in media module and list pages.

#Fixed: Main media thumbnail not getting created.

#Fixed: Category page titles for categories without a menu incorrectly displays page title using the parent category.

#Fixed: Admin field option image setting incorrectly labeled as required.

#Fixed: Admin configuration search layout setting is not saved.

#Fixed: J3.x - Category menu parameter not working correctly

#Fixed: J1.5 - Click2search broken.

#Fixed: J1.5 - Access level options in Media Settings are empty.[/tt]

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