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JReviews 2.4 Beta development update #3


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It's been a while since the release of Beta 3 and I know there's a lot of people eager for an update so here it goes. The next release will be Beta 4. We want this to be the last Beta version before we tell you to go install JReviews 2.4 on your production sites and for this reason it is taking longer than previous Betas. We are working on this every day to tie all the loose ends, fix bugs, clean up the code and themes and do the best we can to improve page loading times. It's the little details that take up the most time and that's where we are at right now.


For those of you that like customizing theme files we also put some effort into a new debugging feature we haven't seen on any other Joomla extension. With the "switch of a button" you'll be able to quickly identify where each JReviews output on the page is coming from. Which theme file, what controller and function are behind it. It also works on most ajax requests.


Once Beta 4 is released we'll resume working on PaidListings to try to release it together with the first Release Candidate version.


We've also been working non-stop on the new iReview template and it's going to be so flexible it will blow your mind, or so I've been told :) Countless layout features, responsive, light and fast.


Stay tuned...

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