Alejandro Posted October 5, 2012 at 12:30 AM Share Posted October 5, 2012 at 12:30 AM We are happy to announce the release of the 3rd beta version of JReviews 2.4. The upgrade is available via remote update if you have installed a previous beta and it is also available for download in the client area. You need a valid upgrades package. As you can see from the changelog below we've been incredibly busy with this update. We fixed over 30 bugs, finished some of the tasks we left for this version and there are also some new settings and features. The most important ones being the new Masonry layout for listing list pages, which can be seen as a new option in addition to listview, tableview and thumbview. To best experience this layout you need to use the "scale" mode for thumbnails in list pages. Now that iOS6 offers supports for photo and video uploads via Safari, we've optimized the media upload page for iOS6. We also worked on the responsive design for the themes, but more work is required to complete this task. We still have a lot of work to do before 2.4 stable is released. The most important one being the separation of listing owner media and user uploaded media as an alternative option to what is already there. This was requested as a feature and we believe it's important to have this right from the start. It requires database changes to store pre-calculated values for user counts. It also requires theme changes to incorporate the new information. Due to the amount of changes required to implement this particular feature, the next update will also be a beta. If all goes well with Beta 4, we'll work on releasing the first Release Candidate version after that. Please help us test this version so we can fix as many bugs as possible for Beta 4! [tt] +New: Initial compatibility added for Joomla 3.0. We are not officially supporting it for now, but we are happy to start receiving bug reports so we can start fixing them. +New: Masonry layout for list pages. There's a new option for it when selecting the list page layout. +New: Added settings to disable video linking in media upload page and to specify which remote video sites are allowed. +New: It's now possible to use the {user_id} tag in the CUSTOM WHERE statements for the Listings Module and the Custom List menu. +New: Custom WHERE and Custom ORDER settings for Media and Reviews modules. +New: Implemented iOS6 support for uploads using the camera or multiple file selection from albums. !Changed: Using HTML5 type attributes for email, website and numeric fields so the most appropriate keyboard is presented to the user in mobile devices. !Changed: Re-ordering media in listing media edit page is now disabled unless 'ordering' is chosen in the media setting 'Default Media Order - Listing Specific'. Otherwise the ordering is not used at all. !Changed: After adding a new field the list is refreshed showing the last page filtered by the new field's group. !Changed: After adding a new field option the list is refreshed showing the last page where the option can be seen. !Changed: Finished Inquiries browse page. Added listing title filtering, delete and message preview. !Changed: Extended the 'favorites' setting to Listing Types overrides. !Changed: Updated FB PHP SDK. !Changed: Finished refactoring of field edit advanced options html. !Changed: Finished refactoring of moderation queue themes. #Fixed: Submit new listing form issues with multiple category selects. #Fixed: jrPopups appear even when there's no text to display inside them. #Fixed: Media counts not updated when uploading videos. #Fixed: Favorite icon inside button not toggling when adding/removing a listing from favorites. #Fixed: When media moderation is enabled for the current user, all new videos and photos are marked as the main media for the listing. #Fixed: Rejected filter doesn't work in Reviews Browse page. #Fixed: Validation messages in dialogs (field option, group and directory) replace the dialog content instead of getting appended to the dialog. #Fixed: Owner reply moderation counter indicator doesn't decrease when reply is approved, rejected or deleted. #Fixed: Changed order of menu id detection for JomSocial profiles so it looks for the profile menu first, then frontage menu. #Fixed: Guests not able to submit media for listings when media uploads are limited to listing owners only. #Fixed: Guests and registered users not able to submit media for reviews even if allowed via Access Settings. #Fixed: Media submitter name shows 'Guest' instead of the name used in the form during the submission process. #Fixed: Video edit dialog doesn't load in media browse page. #Fixed: Removing the control field for a field option leaves doesn't remove the control values after the option is saved. #Fixed: Listing 'Save as new' in admin editing doesn't work. #Fixed: media not deleted when deleting a listing. #Fixed: Validation messages for 'video link' errors are not displayed to the user. #Fixed: Send inquiry to email custom field doesn't work because the field setting is not saved. #Fixed: Admin side breaks after uploading media due to duplicate 'jr-page' class in upload form. #Fixed: Issues with JReviews menu ids not being recognized when generating some urls. #Fixed: Disabling jQuery and/or jQuery UI was sending a js call with an empty url to the template's head tag. #Fixed: Disable drag & drop file upload text for IE since it doesn't support this feature. #Fixed: Changes in thumbnail dimensions in Listing Types widgets revert to default value when editing the listing type. #Fixed: New user account creation when submitting as guest doesn't work. #Fixed: Mixed folder dashes break uploads in windows installs. #Fixed: New icon not displayed for click2add button with auto complete UI fields. #Fixed: Admin side new version checker was not updated to check for the 2.4 branch. #Fixed: Added BCMath PHP extension check to the installation requirements. #Fixed: Setting to hide subcategories in list page category pages was missing from the configuration. #Fixed: cron secret string default value is empty #Fixed: Photo 'user' set to guest always if the cron secret key is left blank. #Fixed: php notice in click2search url when it doesn't have an Itemid. #Fixed: If Joomla 'tmp' path is different than the default value the media uploads don't work. #Fixed: When listing or review only have one media upload, if deleted the media count is not updated. #Fixed: Listing submit/edit form breaks when there are no listing custom fields in the form. #Fixed: Edit media page in front-end displays all user uploaded media for registered user group instead of just the listing media. #Fixed: Using old setting in tableview layout for toggling images in list view. 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