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Review listing

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Thу sitу www.thymetogrow.com

I need next^

In terms of the review listing, there are fields you can enter information into, and fields you can select a rating. The ratings (1 - 5) should be:


Ease of Growing

Ease of Maintenance




The actual fields where you can select or enter information should be:


Growth Location: (Select field) where users can select one of the following: 1. Outdoors in the Garden, 2. Outdoors in a pot, 3. In a greenhouse, 4. Inside


They can then enter Pro's, Con's as text, and can rate the plant as above, and have a comments section to be able to write about how well the plant grew.


The last thing, and this is in the template of the review listing, it to pull the information from the users CB profile to put into the review, the information i am mainly interested in is Country, State, Suburb


These can be added in the review template by the following code: Basically just add <?php echo $listing['Community']['YourCommunityBuilderFieldName'];?> and it should display the CB field.


In terms of the users profile, the important plugins to have their to encourage community participation is Alpha User Points, My Reviews (from jReviews), My Forum Posts (from Kunena), and ideally each of the users can control who see's their profiles (friends, public, no-one)

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