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Copy a Listing - need as an accompaniment to related listings


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I love the new related listings feature. It rocks.


There is one more aspect to it that is a must have for me for my users.


After I've created a "master listing" of whatever flavor, now let's say I need to create anywhere from one to a dozen or more "child listings." After I just went through entering all the data for my address and I get faced again with the all the data entry of re-entering my address info (and probably some other custom fields), it just too darn daunting and frustrating and my eyes glaze over and I don't want to it. I have to really, really want badly to go to all the work of reentering ALL THAT DATA over and over and over again. The average user (me) would give up before I even get started. And for my site, that just won't do. I need people to participate and I need to make it as easy as possible for them to create listings.


Parenthetically, being able to copy address data from JomSocial would be a decent work around, but I don't want to necessarily force my users to fill that out upon registration. And they may be creating listings that have a different address than what they would fill in for a profile address. And I have custom fields in the listing in addition to address that probably need copying as well.


Soooo. The solution that makes the most sense to me is this:


Anytime a user the ability to EDIT a listing, either it's their own listing or they have sufficient privileges to edit, in addition to an EDIT option, they would also see a COPY button.


You would already have the listing data available, the user then selects the Category of the new listing and any matching fields from the old listing type to the new listing type are automatically pulled in on the create process. Ultimately, in config in the fields area, it would be nice to have a button that says "allow copy" or something like so that you could exclude fields you don't want copied, but for now, I'd be very happy with just copying all matching fields.


This is a feature request that I'll need to get done prior to an upgrade after the gold release, so I'll probably make a reference post in the freelance corner.

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