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TinyMCE or other editor for JReviews Reviews


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I need to have a basic editor working for reviews. Currently, there is no support for the reviews part of JReviews. An editor is available when adding a listing but not when users (guest thru super admin) are adding reviews to a listing. This a very important piece of functionality and has been requested many times by other uers.


Therefore, if a good developer can program this for me then I am sure it can be sold to others. If other JReviews users want to contact me so that we can form a group of users that request this feature maybe we can raise enough awareness and money so that the cost can be spread out among many of us. If we get a large enough committment (money) I am sure someone will code it for us, even if we have to go to freelance.com or find a good Joomla developer on another site.

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