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Segments or regions [overlays] on google maps...


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I realize this is not currently a feature, and would probably require customizing jReviews significantly ... but I am hoping to get some direction for doing this correctly


On a google map, it's possible to draw lines & regions as seen in this example: http://i.imgur.com/gLEMu.png


Unless you can provide any pointers, we can figure out drawing the regions and displaying them on the map along with the listing marker.


My question is, would it be possible to include the jr_ custom field which has each listing's polygon coordinates in the geomaps search query? If so, any tips?


This would solve an issue we are facing, where the location may be 20km large, but its location (to geomaps search) is only the center marker -- therefore the location does not appear in search results near the outer boundary of the region. By plotting and searching the outer coordinates of an area, it would allow us to draw a region and include those outer regions in search results.


Hope this makes sense and you can shed some light on the issue...



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