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Cutsom marker brand related

Guest Nickel

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Hi Guys,

i would like to know how i can use the custom marker feature.

I have following set up:


Restaurants/Fastfood/BurgerKing LA

Restaurants/Fastfood/BurgerKing San F

Restaurants/Fastfood/Mc Donalds LA


Im using a field for brand if it is a chain, so click2search will work with searching for this brand ie BK.

All restaurants should have the category marker for restaurants. But if the field brand has the "burger king" or "mc donalds" entry, it should show their own marker.

Is this anywhere in any way possible?

When i choose the sectionr estaurants, i get all entries on the map with the same icon, but mcd and bk will show their own marker(logo).



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