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Changing offset for following Geomap

Guest Jeff Cooper

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Hi, I just noticed a difference in handling of the centering of the following geomap window when using different browsers on my page--I don't think this is an error with jreviews but am wondering if anyone knows of ideas to fix. 


On the following page, I have a banner ad module at the top in joomla that, when the page loads, initially loads without the outline of the banner ad accounted for in the page.  When the banner ad loads, the page shifts down a little bit due to the size of the banner ad.  I noticed that when this happens, the 'offset' for the geomap window that follows gets shifted down lower on the page, I believe due to it getting bumped down by the effect of the banner ad loading after the jreviews/geomaps is loaded. (I'm not describing this well-sorry).  This effect only seems to happen on firefox (with other browsers, the geomaps moving window doesn't seem to be bumped down by this offset).  The effect is that in firefox, on a computer with a small monitor, the 'normal' position for the following window isn't centered on the page, it's lower on the page, and can cause part of the geomap window to be lost off the bottom.  Here's the web page where this happens (and on other similarly setup pages).  I'm also going to try to add a snapshot of a page using firefox with the impact of this offset to the geomaps window.





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