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JReviews released


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Mostly bug fix release, but it's still a minor version upgrade because there's a new setting for the FB integration and for the adv. search module which requires upgrading the module separately. There's also a minor Geomaps upgrade to update a couple of theme files. You can read the changelog from within the remote updater screen in the JReviews admin.


UPGRADE NOTICE: if you have any files in overrides, make sure you update them with the newer version.


Below the changelog:


[tt] - released july 13, 2010


+New: Added opt out from Publish to Facebook setting. For listings and reviews this means the publish to FB checkbox always shows up and for helpful votes a dialog appears after the vote is made so the user can submit to FB or cancel.

+New: Category auto-detect for adv. search module provides better usability for sites with large number of categories. It will automatically filter the categories to those of the current section and will limit the list to sections only on pages where auto-detect doesn't cannot pick up a category or section. It is necessary to upgrade the module or upload the new .xml file for it.

!Changed: Updated dutch language file and all other language files updated with new still untranslated strings.

#Fixed: Publish to Facebook feature not working consistently with JomSocial FB connect.

#Fixed: Comparison page shows empty when using SEF Advance

#Fixed: Removed empty image and summary rows in comparison page when there are no images or summary in selected listings.

#Fixed: Remote updater not running install function for add-ons.


S2Framework -


!Changed: Added support for Arabic language ar-AA unitag

!Changed: Better handling of suffixed files found in themes other than the selected theme so they can be recognized and used without having to switch themes (/libs/object.php)


JReviews Files changed:


File                   Path (\components\com_jreviews\jreviews)


jreviews.info.php                      .\

assets.php                              .\views\helpers\

custom_fields.php                      .\views\helpers\

index.thtml                            .\views\admin\themes\default\configuration\

jquery.extjasoncookie-0.2.js            .\views\js\jquery\

jreviews.compare.js                    .\views\js\

jreviews.js                            .\views\js\

listings_compare.thtml                  .\views\themes\default\listings\

admin_updater_controller.php            .\admin_controllers\

facebook_controller.php                .\controllers\

votes_controller.php                    .\controllers\

config.php                              .\controllers\components\

module_advanced_search_controller.php  .\controllers\modules\

field.php                              .\models\

category.php                            .\models\


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