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General question: Setting/Submitting geo location fields (default values)

Thomas Venugopal

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Something in my setup does not really make sense. I'm building a webpage for a city (Stuttgart in Germany):


- jr_city: My website is for one city (Stuttgart) only but maybe it will expand to other cities so I have 1 directory named like my city (Stuttgart)

- jr_address: Here the address gets geocoded from jReviews when submitting a listing

- jr_plz: The field for the zipcode





- How can I make "Stuttgart" the default value for jr_city preventing user to deal with that option since there is only 1 option?

- Is the zipcode used for the geocoding?

- When the zipcode is not used for the geocoding, why not geocoding the address and fill out the zipcode field automatically?



We made some usability tests and it is very hard for the user to deal with these fields. We'd like to improve this step to make it easier for the user to submit listings.


I personally would have this idea:


1. First choose city (should be optionally set to a default value - especially if you have only one value)

2. Write Street into the address field -> geocode

3. zipcode can be filled out automatically since we have the city and the street for the zipcode






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